
Thursday 5 May 2011

Presentations: How to Present Yourself

You are going to
  • discuss giving presentations
  • watch 2 videos giving advice on doing presentations
  • do some comprehension activities

It's quite common to have to do powerpoint presentations nowadays. You may have to do one for study, work or in a job interview. In some EFL or ESOL exams you may have to talk on a topic for 1 or 2 minutes. It's always best to plan first.  
Watch these videos and answer the questions to help you plan your presentations.


1) Discuss - Presenting Yourself

  • Do you like giving presentations? 
  • How do you feel when you give a presentation?
  • Do you have any advice for giving presentations?
  • In groups see how much you can find out from each other in a minute
  • Write a list of tips. Then watch the clips to check your ideas and answer the questions.


2) Watch "Presentational skills" by Doug Jefferys

Answer these questions.
1. What are the top 3 fears?
2. What is interesting about "death"?
    He says that at a funeral "The person giving the eulogy would rather be __ ___ ____.
3. What do we associate eye contact with?
4. Why should we pause?
5. What examples of body language does he give?
6. What does he say about planning effective content?

Answers (in black). Highlight here
1. Speaking to a group of people, heights, insects and bugs
2. Its low place on the list. It's second from bottom.
    in the box
3. Veracity / telling the truth
4. To ingest the last thing you said
5. Don't put your hands in your pockets, rules are broken by people who "can" (= because they have charisma)
6. - 1) Tell them how you are going to bore them.
      2) Bore them.
      3) Tell them how you bored them.


3) Watch  "How To Give A Good Presentation"

What are these students' 5 steps to giving a good presentation?
Make notes.

Answers (in black). Highlight here.

1) Planning; make sure you know who your audience is
Is your aim to inform entertain or persuade your audience?

2) Dealing with nerves; you never look as nervous as you think you do, breathe deeply

3) Structure; Intro, Main body and conclusion

4) Body language; eye contact, move around, no hands in pockets, don't speak too loud or too quiet, smile, use appropriate humour

5) Visual Aids; Powerpoint, Video or real objects to make it more interesting. Don't bore the audience 

Can the advice here be used for any other activities you do when studying?  -  
Answer  =   Numbers 1 and 3 can be used for planning writing

What advice the 2 videos have in common?

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