
Sunday 5 February 2012

The Beatles

You are going to
  • revise the past simple
  • listen to a video about the Beatles and do a matching exercise
  • read a text about the Beatles and do a gap-fill exercise
  • do a quiz based on the information in the lesson


1) Discuss
2012 is the 50th anniversary of the Beatles' first hit single.
  • Who were the Beatles?
  • What were their names?
  • What did they do?
Watch the video to find out.

2) Do the matching exercise
Look at the exercise below. The information in the boxes on the right is in a different order to the film. Use your mouse to drag the information in the boxes on the right to the correct heading on the left.
Watch the film again if you need to.

Listen to this Beatles concert from 1964 while you do the gap fill exercise below.

3) Gap-fill
Read the text and fill in the gaps.
You can choose the correct answer from the drop-down menu.

Sgt Pepper
Abbey Road

4) Beatles Quiz
How much can you remember?
Do this quiz. There are 12 questions.

5) Writing
Choose someone famous that you like. Write about them.
  • When was he / she born?
  • Where was he / she from?
  • What did he / she do?
  • How did he / she become famous?
  • Did he / she make films?
  • Did he / she get married?
  • Why do you like him / her?

6) More
Printable worksheet here

More past simple practice

More practice with the Beatles

More Beatles info and music

And in the end...


  1. Excellent lesson plan on the best group ever. Go to the city and visit where it all started. Check out the team that plays in red also!
    Well done that man!

  2. The beatles is my favorite an may be for ever....

    1. Hi Muara. That's great. Check out the other post on the Beatles here

