
Monday 4 November 2013

Who was the world's first online shopper?

You are going to 
  • discuss shopping online
  • practise listening
  • look at and practise technology vocabulary

Note - activities in this post are level differentiated and can be used with students from pre-intermediate to upper intermediate levels.The final gap-fill and crossword are aimed at upper intermediate students.
You will hear the following vocabulary.

You are going to watch a video about the first person to shop online.

  • Do you ever shop online?
  • What do you buy online?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?
  • Who do you think was the first person to buy something online?
  • Do you think it was a man or a woman?
  • How old do you think he / she was?
  • What do you think he / she bought?
  • When do you think it happened? Where?

Watch the video and find out if you are right.

  • Does anything in the story surprise you?
  • Why do you think Mrs Snowball is called a "silver surfer"?

1) Watch again and do the matching exercise.


2) Quiz - Answer the questions.

3) Do the vocabulary matching exercise.

4) Read the summary and do the gap fill exercise

5) Gap fill of complete transcript here

6) Crossword of vocabulary used here

Download printable worksheets
1) Sentence matching exercise here
2) Listening Quiz here
3) Vocab matching exercise here
4) Gap-fill here
5) Complete transcript gap-fill here
6) Print Crossword (and answers) here

Choose one
  • Write a report about online shopping. Explain how to do it, why people do it and what to be careful of.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?
  • "Technology has transformed the way we shop and changed the face of our high streets."  To what extent do you agree?



  1. This is excellent - what a great story and talking-point. Thank you David!

  2. Thanks for commenting. Glad it's useful!
