Thursday 29 August 2013

Can you name all the animals? - Quiz Game

Play a game. 

Note -  This game can be downloaded as a ppt file below. The ppt version can be done as a class game and the gap-fill version could then be done individually to practise spelling.

1) Discuss
Do you know the names of all the animals?

2) Play the game
How many can you answer correctly?
What are the animals doing in each picture?
(The gif images may sometimes be slow to display.depending on your connection speed.)

Download this game as a powerpoint file here

More on EFL SMARTblog

Friday 16 August 2013

Cyber Bullying. How safe are you online?

You are going to 
  • discuss being safe online and on social network sites
  • listen to a discussion about cyber bullying
  • do a gap fill exercise
  • write a leaflet giving advice to people who use social network sites

1) Discuss
There has been a lot of talk recently about the risks of bullying and abuse on social networking sites. The NSPCC says nearly a fifth of children who use them have suffered a negative experience in the last year.
  • Do you enjoy being online?
  • Do you feel safe online?
  • What bad things can happen on the internet?
  • Has anything bad happened to you or anyone you know on the net?
  • What can you do if anything bad happens to you online?
  • What are trolls and what is trolling?
  • What is cyber-bullying? Do you understand the words in the image below?

2) Listen
This listening clip is from BBC TV.  Dr Radha Modgil from BBC Radio 1’s The Surgery and the blogger Hannah Witton discuss how safe young people feel on the internet.

A) Listen. Don't worry if you don't understand everything. 
Answer these questions.
  • What problems do they talk about?
  • What advice do they give?

B) Now listen again and fill in the gaps in the exercise below.

Printable worksheet here

3) Discuss
  • Do you agree with the advice Hannah and Rhada give?
  • Is communication the best solution? Should parents and teenagers discuss these issues more?
  • Do you agree that it the responsibility of parents to find out about the dangers of being online?
  • Do you discuss the dangers of the internet with your friends / parents / children?
  • What can we do about people who post anonymously?

4) Write
Using the ideas in the listening and any of your own ideas, write a leaflet giving advice to people who use soial network sites.
  • Think of a title
  • Use headings
  • Think about the kind of language you could use (modal verbs for advice, conditionals, imperatives, suggestions...)
  • Write an introduction - say who the leaflet is for and why it is necessary
  • Describe some of the problems people can have on social network sites
  • Give some advice / solutions

Hannah posted about the program on her blog. You can watch it here.
What does she say most people are like online?

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