Monday 28 May 2012

What happened to D.B. Cooper?

You are going to
  • watch a short film about a famous criminal and do some listening comprehension exercises
  • practise some crime vocabulary
  • practise modal verbs for past deduction (may / might/ could / can't / must have + participle)
  • write a report / a biography

1) Intro - Crime vocabulary
How many different kinds of criminals are there?
Match some criminals with the definitions in the exercise below.

2) Discuss
  • What famous criminals or crimes have you heard of?
  • How many criminals get away with their crimes?
  • Do you know of any criminals who have become "heroes"?

3) Video - Before you watch
Have you ever heard of DB Cooper?
He was a criminal who committed a famous crime and got away with it.
Look at the film poster below carefully
  • What crime do you think he could he have committed?
  • How coud he have got away?

Read the gap-fill exercise below quickly and find out if your guesses were right (don't worry about the gaps yet)

  • What was DB Cooper's crime?
  • How much money did he get away with? 
  • How did he get away? 

    4) Video - Watch the first 2 minutes and pause
    Watch the first 2 minutes of the film (0:00 - 01:53)
    After you have watched fill in the gaps in the exercise above. 

    5) Video - Watch the rest of the film
    (01:53 - End)
    Why has DB Cooper become a hero to so many people?

    6) After you watch
    How much did you understand?
    Do the quiz below.

    7) Deductions
    What do you think happened to DB Cooper?
    Detectives make deductions to help solve crimes.
    What language do we use to make deductions?
    See the presentation below. Then make sentences about what you think happened to DB Cooper.

    Can you make sentences / deductions about what happened to DB Cooper?
    • What happened after he parachuted from the plane?
    • Is he alive?
    • Where is he?
    • What's he doing now?
    • What happened to the money?

    Use May / Might / Could / Must / Can't + Be (+ing) to make sentences / deductions about the present
    Use May / Might / Could / Must / Can't (have + Past Participle) to make sentences / deductions about the past

    Further infomation
    • In the autumn of 1978 a placard containing instructions for lowering the aft stairs of a 727, later verified to be from the hijacked airliner, was found by a deer hunter about 13 miles east of Castle Rock, Washington.
    • In February 1980 an eight-year-old boy named Brian Ingram, vacationing with his family on the Columbia River, uncovered three packets of the ransom cash, significantly disintegrated but still bundled in rubber bands. FBI technicians confirmed that the money was  part of the ransom, two packets of 100 bills each and a third packet of 90, all arranged in the same order as when given to Cooper.
    • To date, none of the approximately 9,700 remaining bills has turned up anywhere in the world. Their serial numbers remain available online for public search.
    • In 1981 a human skull was unearthed along the same riverbank during excavations in search of additional evidence. Forensic pathologists eventually decided that it belonged to a woman, possibly of Native American ancestry. 
    • In 1988 a portion of a parachute was raised from the bottom of the Columbia River, but FBI experts determined that it could not have been Cooper's.In 2008, children found another parachute near Amboy, Washington, which proved to be of World War II-era military origin.

    8) Write

    A) Write a report about the DB Cooper case (100 words)
    You are a detective. Write a report about the case.

    • Give a summary of the main points of the case
    • Give your opinion of what might have happened to DB Cooper. Give reasons. Use your powers of deduction!

    B) Write an article about a famous criminal in your country.
    • Introduce the criminal - what crime did they commit? When? Where? How?
    • Give some biography information about the criminal - Where were they born? What kind of family did they come from? What kind of area did they come from?
    • Describe the crime they committed
    • Say why the crime became famous
    • Disuss the motives. Why did they commit the crime? (Can you use any past modals of deduction here?)
    • Conclusion - What happened to the criminal? Where is he or she now? Were they caught by the police? Was the sentence they received fair?

    9) More
    Read about DB Cooper

    Listen again to the poem from the clip (03:40 - 04:28)
    Do the gap fill

    Printable versions here

    Sunday 13 May 2012

    What do you know about YouTube?

    You are going to
    • watch a video and read text in the video
    • look at an infographic about YouTube
    • do some quiz comprehension activities
    • practise reading quickly / scanning for information
    • practise the past

    • What do you know about YouTube?
    • Do you use it?
    • What do you watch on it? 
    • What is your favourite clip?
    • Have you ever uploaded a clip to YouTube? 
    • Have you ever been "Rickrolled"? What does it mean?

    Vocabulary check
    Drag and drop to match the words on the left with the definitions on the right

    Watch the video and answer the questions.
    • Who founded YouTube?
    • What gave them the idea to start the site?
    • When was the first YouTube video uploaded?
    • How many people use the site?

    How much can you remember from the video?
    Do this quiz.

    Read the text below about the history of YouTube from 2005 to 2010. Don't worry if you don't understand everything. Find the answers as quickly as you can.
    You can answer the questions in the interactive exercise below

    Find out
    1. When did YouTube officially launch?
    2. How much did Google buy YouTube for?
    3. Which Queen has her own channel?
    4. Which famous rock band performed live on Youtube?
    5. How long does the average person spend on YouTube?
    6. How many views a day did YouTube have in 2010?
    7. What percentage of internet traffic does YouTube have?
    8. How long was the first video?
    9. What age group uses YouTube the most?
    10. How many languages does Google's Automatic Speech Recognition Technology translate?

    The History of Youtube
    Infographic: The History of Youtube by Infographiclabs

    Now answer the questions

    Printable version here

    Write / Research
    What's your favourite webpage on the internet?
    Write a short paragraph about it.
    • What is it? 
    • What can you do on it? 
    • Are there other websites like it?

    Find out
    • Who founded it?
    • Why?
    • How old is it? When was it launched?
    • Is it popular? How much traffic does it have?
    Give you opinion of it. Say what's special about it

    What are the most watched clips on YouTube?
    Can you guess any?

    Watch the clip below
    • How many clips have you already seen?
    • What activities are the people doing?

    Sunday 6 May 2012

    Supersize Me!

    You are going to 
    • watch a clip from the film "Supersize Me" about fast food
    • do a gap-fill listening exercise
    • discuss the health aspects of eating fast food
    • discuss whether the state should prohibit unhealthy activities
    • write an argument essay based on the topic

    1) Discuss
    • Do you ever eat in fast food restaurants?  Why / Why not?
    • What does “Super size me” mean?
    • Have you seen the film?
    • Is Fast Food good for you?  Why / Why not?
    • Do you think Fast Food restaurants are responsible for making people fat or ill?
    • What would happen if you only ate Fast Food for 1 month?

    You are going to watch 2 clips from Morgan Spurlock's documentary Supersize Me. For 30 days Morgan Spurlock only ate at McDonald's, eating everything on the menu at least once. At the end of the film he examines what effect this diet has had on him.
    You can buy the DVD on amazon here

    2) Before you watch / Vocabulary Check
    Do you know these words?
    SUED (To Sue) = To take someone to court for damages
    CORONARY = Heart attack
    JOINTS = Restaurants
    FRIVOLOUS = Silly
    STRAIGHT = Consecutively, following = 30 days straight.

    3) Watch the clip
    Why did 2 girls try to sue McDonalds?
    What is Morgan Spurlock going to do for 1 month?

    4) Gap-fill
    Now do the gap-fill. Fill in the gaps with the right number or word.
    Watch the clip again if you need to.

    5) Discuss
    What do you think happened after 30 days of eating nothing but fast food?
    • Did he get fatter?
    • Was he ill?
    • How did he feel?

    6) Watch
    Watch the end of the film.
    1. How much weight did he gain?
    2. What happened to his liver?
    3. What happened to his cholesterol?
    4. Did he get fatter?
    5. How much more likely is he to have a heart failure?
    6. How did he feel?
    7. What happened to his sex life?
    8. Did he become addicted to fast food?

    Answers and printable exercises - here

    7) Discuss
    • If fast food is unhealthy, should it be banned or restricted or is eating it a matter of personal choice?
    • If you think it is a matter of personal choice, should people also be allowed to do other unhealthy or addictive things like drink alcohol, smoke or take illegal drugs? Where do you draw the line between allowing one unhealthy activity and prohibiting or restricting another?
    • Should the government or state tell us what not to eat, drink, smoke or do with our bodies? Is the state trying to interfere with the individual's personal freedom and choice? Can these initiatives ever be successful or are they a waste of money?
    • How do a person's unhealthy habits affect the state or society?

    8) Write
    Write an answer to this question.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? "Fast food is addictive and unhealthy and it should be restricted in the same way that alcohol, cigarettes and drugs are."


    Originally via:

    Fast food facts